What to Hear Stories About Drug Addiction?
Question by : What to hear stories about drug addiction?
I would like to know your or your friends’ personal experiences and the effects on the family relationships. How does the you or your family feel about the addiction now?
Best answer:
Answer by Kelle
I work at the jail.
I couldn’t begin to tell you all the sad stories. Thousands of girls in their 20s who sold their self esteem for a hit.
What do you think? Answer below!
Teens share their drug abuse stories –
Reporting America's Drug War: Five Journalists Who Uncovered Hidden Stories …
Filed under: drug addiction stories
Five years after it was originally published, The Los Angeles Times series “Orphans of Addiction” was still making waves. Reporter Sonia Nazario and photographer Clarence Williams followed the children of drug addicts for five months. They witnessed as …
Read more on Huffington Post
Medical Centers Begin Training Programs For Specialists On Addictions
Filed under: drug addiction stories
As dissimilar as they seem, many of these patients are also suffering from another illness — alcohol or drug abuse — that is at the root of the more obvious ailments that keep them cycling through the medical system. Even so, their addiction is …
Read more on Kaiser Health News
Massive drug recovery convention in its sixth year
Filed under: drug addiction stories
Recovering drug addicts across South Florida are marking Sept. 23 on their calendars, the date of an offbeat convention little known outside the rehab community. It's an industry gathering that has attracted more people each of the last five years. In …
Read more on Sun-Sentinel
From Twitter:
Sep 4, Residential Rehab: Residential Rehab is a place you can go to… http://t.co/BMzKWgmd #addiction #rehab – by AddictionSuport (Ned Wicker)
From Twitter:
Sep 4, Percocet Abuse Stories: Percocet Abuse Stories are the true stories… http://t.co/JO2fsu6A #addiction #rehab – by AddictionSuport (Ned Wicker)
From Twitter:
via @elaineschattner: Docs tend to overlook patients’ alcohol and drug use; new efforts to address this, @KHNews – http://t.co/Eh3o4xF7 – by MSKCC_Library (MSKCC Library)