What Is the Law That Criminalized Marijuana?

Question by AA: What is the law that criminalized marijuana?
I now its the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, but what is the actual law number? How can I find the actual text of the bill on a governmental site?
Ok so I just found the actual text. But can anyone direct me to where I may find the legislative history?

Best answer:

Answer by Luke
No marijuana was actually banned in the 1920 along with alcohol they just never lifted it when they lifted the ban on alcohol and then didn’t try to enforce it until the 60’s.

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Episode 7 – Substance Abuse Prevention – Special guest speaker Chris Bowers describes ways to identify substance abuse issues and how to talk to someone if you think they need help.


From Twitter:

Youth Event Gets Word Out On Drug Abuse Prevention | What do you think? | Read More – http://t.co/oMFaccYs – by RehabsAdvisor (Rehabs Advisor)


From Twitter:

#Parent #Tips #Middle #School #Drug #Abuse #Prevention http://t.co/DcGMd6AA – by gateamerica (GATE America)


From Twitter:

Drug abuse prevention begins in the schools thanks to officials at the Crossroads Centre… – by ANUChronicle (Antigua Chronicle)