What Is a National Treatment Center That Specializes in Drug and Alcohol Rehab Interventions and Rehab?

Question by positionclicks: What is a National Treatment Center that specializes in drug and alcohol rehab interventions and rehab?
I found the website http://www.nationaltreatmentcenters.org , however it is a referral site not an actual interventionist. Any clue of a good interventionist/ Rehab Center?

Best answer:

Answer by kramert72
If you go to the page http://www.nationaltreatmentcenters.org/intervention/index.htm , I would just call them or just search on google for and interventionist or rehab center in your area (ie. if you live in California seach California Rehab Center or California Interventionist.) That way you don’t get stuck with a bunch of results from other states. Hope it helps!

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Non 12 Step Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center – Inspire Malibu – Inspire Malibu is the pioneer of Non 12 Step Treatment. www.inspiremalbu.com 12 step treatment is a self help group which is an adjunct to real addiction treatment.


Report: State failed to police drug, alcohol detox centers

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers drug alcohol

SACRAMENTO, CA – Four clients of a Riverside County residential drug treatment center died over a two-year period. According to a California Senate investigation, it brings to light California's Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs' inability to …
Read more on News10.net


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Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center #Pendleton Oregon Directory http://t.co/lDX1q8WN – by PendletonOregon (Pendleton Now!)


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drug and alcohol treatment centers »: No Comments » Tags: drug abuse, drug addiction, drug and alcohol rehab pro… http://t.co/rPakG5Q7 – by LiquorBargain (LiquorBargain)