What Are the Causes of Drug Addiction ?

Question by lilxldy: What are the causes of drug addiction ?
can comeone tell me the causes of drug addiction

Best answer:

Answer by patricia t
hereditary and some claim if you are allergic to something you crave it and get addicted to it…

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Bagel Causes Failed Drug Test, Mom Has Kid Taken Away – www.wpxi.com New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana’s blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com NEW CASTLE, Pa. — A New Castle woman said her child was taken away from her after the results of a drug test came back wrong. The woman said she tested positive for drugs after delivering her child because she ate a poppy seed bagel before giving birth. Elizabeth Mort said Children and Youth Services came to her home three days after the child was born at Jameson Hospital to remove the baby from her home. CYS officials said her hospital bloodwork showed that she was using opiates. According to the Pittsburgh American Civil Liberties Union, the bagel’s poppy seeds provided the false positive. Sara Rose of the ACLU said CYS may have violated the law. “One thing I think is a violation is the fact that Lawrence County CYS immediately got a court order without the parents present to remove a newborn baby based solely on the hospital’s report of a positive drug test,” said Rose. Jameson Hospital released a statement to Channel 11 News saying that they were only following the law. A Pennsylvania House Bill 2760 that passed three years ago allows hospitals to


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