Wake Up Screaming
Wake Up Screaming – A feature documentary about four participants in a “shock” treatment program for convicted felons. The story follows two men and two women through this alternative to incarceration for drug and alcohol related crimes. Wake Up Screaming Credits: Produced and Directed by Carol Jennings Supervising Producer: Christopher Harper Director of Photography: Slawomir Grunberg Editor: Jason Longo Production Manager: Samantha Leonard Sound Recordists: Jason Longo Bill Kozy Additional Photography: Ed Talavera Jason Longo Avid on-line editor: Damon Skinner Assistant Editors: Garett Smith Alexandru Dragulescu Matt Leary Production Assistants: Rebecca Burton Katrina Fulwood Matt Leary Shauna Leff Sara Mahle Shammara McKay Vanya Rainova Jonathon Schroeder Amy Witting Researcher: Lynn Usack Park Productions Website: www.parkproductions.org Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com
Union-Snyder court program restores sobriety, graduates say
Filed under: willard drug treatment program
Fry was among seven residents of Union and Snyder counties who recently completed the court-ordered treatment program they chose to attend rather than go to jail for committing nonviolent criminal offenses as a result of their addiction to drugs or …
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Three plead guilty in county court
Filed under: willard drug treatment program
… offices, while another admitted to violating the terms of his probation. A fifth pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against him, and the last was sentenced to state prison, to be served as parole supervision at the Willard Drug Treatment Center.
Read more on Evening Sun (subscription)