Teenage Drug Use Statistics


Teenage Drug Use Statistics – The latest teenage drug use statistics from www.drug-aware.com. An insight into how many young people abuse illegal drugs. Useful for parents, offering advice, drug testing links and articles.


From Twitter:

RT @fitnessleak: Poor diet and lack of exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statisticsby _Dwatkins_ (Derek Watkins)


From Twitter:

RT @fitnessleak: Poor diet and lack of exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statisticsby _hesDOPE (Dess ??)


From Twitter:

RT @fitnessleak: Poor diet and lack of exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statisticsby Bigb77 (Brad Patterson )