Got Drugs? Get Rid of Them on Prescription Drug Take-Back…
Got Drugs? Get Rid of Them on Prescription Drug Take-Back…
What’s the fastest-growing drug abuse problem in Michigan today? Marijuana? Guess again. It’s drugs that are at kids’ fingertips in the home medicine cabinet, or just a visit away from Grandma and Grandpa. The Centers for Disease Control says …… Continue reading
Oklahoma Tackles the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic
Oklahoma Tackles the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic
Everyone knows someone who has been seriously affected by prescription drug abuse. Yet, when a report issued late last year revealed that the leading cause of accidental death in the United States is drug overdose — primarily from prescription drugs …
drug abuse… Continue reading
Congressman Hal Rogers Leads the Fight to Stop Prescription Drug Abuse
Congressman Hal Rogers leads the fight to stop prescription drug abuse
Today Congressman Hal Rogers is leading a delegation of Congressmen, healthcare experts, and nationally known spokespersons, to fight a major epidemic of Americans addicted to prescription drugs at the UNITE National Summit on Drug Abuse this week.
drug abuse… Continue reading
Pregnant Smokers Often Not Counseled to Quit
Pregnant Smokers Often Not Counseled to Quit
ORLANDO, Florida ? A significant knowledge gap about smoking cessation practices among perinatal substance abuse staff at a single center means pregnant women are often not being counseled about the dangers of tobacco and encouraged to quit, new …
Read more on Medscape… Continue reading
A Growing Number of Americans: Drug Abuse Is a Health Issue, Not a Crime
A Growing Number of Americans: Drug Abuse Is a Health Issue, Not a Crime
Other countries, like Canada and Switzerland, have shown how the shifting opinion can result in action. While no one thinks drug addiction is a good thing, more and more people are starting to think that the… Continue reading
Brief Screening Instrument for Adolescent Substance Abuse Shows Promise
Brief screening instrument for adolescent substance abuse shows promise
The study was based in Baltimore, with 92.8% of the participants being of African American descent, and the substance use reported in the study was in line with national data found for African Americans. Dr. Kelly and her associates recommended that …… Continue reading
State Investigators of Narconon Arrowhead Say They Were Wrongfully Fired
State Investigators Of Narconon Arrowhead Say They Were Wrongfully Fired
OKLAHOMA CITY -. The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse started investigating Narconon Arrowhead in July 2012 after three people died at the facility in nine months' time. More than a year later, the agency fired Inspector General Kim… Continue reading
What Are Some Good Ways to Deal With Bottled Up Anger/sadness?
Question by : What are some good ways to deal with bottled up anger/sadness?
I just want to know some good, non painful, ways to deal with all the anger and sadness I have bottled up inside. :/
Also, I’m Atheist. .-.
Best answer:
Answer by chaoticgodz
I have had… Continue reading
Obama Plans Clemency for Hundreds of Drug Offenders
Obama plans clemency for hundreds of drug offenders
Her faith has helped her to try to make sense of what feels like an arbitrarily, even cruelly long sentence for her minor role helping her drug dealer husband. But 20 years behind bars has also tested that faith, and even caused… Continue reading
Editorial: NJ Drug Addiction Study Underscores Deadly Problem Facing State
Editorial: NJ drug addiction study underscores deadly problem facing state
The report offers an array of recommendations to help stave off the grim statistics that in 2012 showed more than 8,300 admissions to state-licensed or substance abuse treatment programs for prescription drug abuse – a 700 percent increase since 2002.… Continue reading