prescription drug

Physician: Drug Abuse Common in ER Setting

Physician: Drug abuse common in ER setting
and “Sizzup,” of “Purple Drink,” a combination of cough syrup containing codeine and Sprite or alcohol. Others include “Molly” or ecstacy, which has a dangerous affect on body temperature, and can cause muscle breakdown and kidney …
drug abuse – Bing News

Prescription… Continue reading

EDITORIAL: Curb Prescription Drug Abuse to Prevent Heroin Nightmare

EDITORIAL: Curb prescription drug abuse to prevent heroin nightmare
No one can dispute the far-reaching effects of prescription drug abuse and its lethal path to heroin addiction. Overdose deaths are being reported at an alarming rate, and law enforcement officials are challenged with stopping the scourge.
drug abuse – Bing… Continue reading

Faces of Drug Arrests: New Anti-Drug Campaign Shows Mug Shots of Addicts Over

Faces of drug arrests: New anti-drug campaign shows mug shots of addicts over
The campaign was created by the web site, which seeks to connect people who are looking for help with addiction or substance abuse with care providers or professionals who can help them. “The epidemic… Continue reading

Alcohol, Drug Abuse by Parents Linked to Arthritis in Offspring

Alcohol, Drug Abuse by Parents Linked to Arthritis in Offspring
New research suggests a person is significantly more likely to develop adult arthritis if a parent was addicted to alcohol or drugs. University of Toronto researchers examined a group of 13,036 adults and found that 20.4 per cent of respondents… Continue reading

Alcohol, Drug Abuse by Parents Linked to Arthritis in Offspring

Alcohol, Drug Abuse by Parents Linked to Arthritis in Offspring
New research suggests a person is significantly more likely to develop adult arthritis if a parent was addicted to alcohol or drugs. University of Toronto researchers examined a group of 13,036 adults and found that 20.4 per cent of respondents… Continue reading

Why Do People Who Take Drugs Skin Get All Nasty?

Question by -??? ????-: why do people who take drugs skin get all nasty?
I’m doing this project in health and I really want to know what I’m talking about when I get up there. Mine is over Prescription Drug Abuse. And I have this picture of a before and… Continue reading

Drug Abuse Symposium Sheds Light on Local Drug Issues

Drug Abuse Symposium Sheds Light on Local Drug Issues
A drug abuse symposium in Isabella County tonight got the community talking about drugs and the impact they have on friends … Rick Snyder says Michigan won’t recognize more than 300 same-sex marriages that were performed last weekend.
drug abuse –… Continue reading

Parents Share Stories of Children’s Drug Abuse

Parents share stories of children’s drug abuse
Two themes emerged during a town hall meeting Wednesday in Sylvania about prescription drug abuse and heroin use. No one starts out to become an addict. And parents are reluctant to admit their child’s addiction. “I don’t think any of us …
drug… Continue reading

War Against Prescription Drug Abuse May Have Fueled Heroin Use

War against prescription drug abuse may have fueled heroin use
What is the answer? There may not be one, at least for the supply side of it. As long as there are drugs you “Not everyone agrees that the crackdown on prescription drug abuse has led to the rise in… Continue reading

Bangor Area Law Enforcement Leaders Tell Business Group Drug Abuse Is Driving Crime

Bangor area law enforcement leaders tell business group drug abuse is driving crime
BANGOR, Maine — Police Chief Mark Hathaway told Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce members that he knows many of the people committing crimes in the city are using and abusing drugs, but he wanted data to back… Continue reading