drug test

Is Arkansas the Only State That ” Pays Off” Its Single People for Having Babies Out of Wedlock?

Question by Sizzlin Sammy: Is Arkansas the only state that ” pays off” its single people for having babies out of wedlock?
In Arkansas,these people suck off the State by getting rental assistance,food stamps and claiming kids at tax time that aren’t even theirs.I am so sick of this!!!They… Continue reading

Parent Education: Understanding Teen Addiction Part 2


Parent Education: Understanding Teen Addiction Part 2 – The Progression of Chemical Use from Experimentation to Addiction:an understanding of the differences “drug abusers” enabling denial “drug testing” “Sacramen…


COLUMN: Steven Hayes from Death Row – 'I just snapped' at scene of Cheshire

Filed under: drug abuse help… Continue reading

Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Prescription-Only Drugs


Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Prescription-Only Drugs – Kick Assiest Blog: Libtard “Civil Liberties” Alert: Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Prescription-Only Drugs http://i1i.tripod.com/blog/index.blog/2303289/1…


Court Strikes Down Mandatory Drug Testing For All College Students

Filed under: drug addiction help oregon

Johnny Green is a marijuana activist from Oregon. He… Continue reading

Teenagers Substance Abuse PSA


Teenagers substance abuse PSA – Teenagers substance abuse PSA.


The Myth of Welfare and Drug Use

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

While drug use is more common among women receiving welfare, the overall incidence rate is small; in one study, only 3.6 percent of recipients satisfied screening criteria… Continue reading

Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Alcoholism Treatment Subliminal


Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Alcoholism Treatment Subliminal – http://www.SubliminalMessagesMP3s.com/alcohol-addiction-treatment I found subliminal messages to be the best bet as far as alcohol addiction treatment with a…


Guelph drug court showing promise

Filed under: drug rehab treatment drinking age

Disqualified offences include drink driving, domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse,… Continue reading

What Do You Think of the DEA and It’s Recent Actions Upon Doctors and Pharmacies?

Question by Mary Sunshine: What do you think of the DEA and it’s recent actions upon doctors and pharmacies?
Recently, doctors refused to give patients with chronic pain any medications due to fear of losing their licenses. In Florida 6 Walgreen pharmacies have been given warrants due to an… Continue reading

What Is the Difference Between a Therapist and a Counselor?

Question by shuttttup: What is the difference between a therapist and a counselor?
I asked this once before but I didnt word it correctly. Which one would be better to deal with alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anger issues, cutting and suicidal thoughts. Not saying any of this is… Continue reading

All You Need to Know About Hair Follicle Drug Testing – Voice Article


All You Need to Know about Hair Follicle Drug Testing – Voice Article – All You Need to Know about Hair Follicle Drug Testing Hair sample drug testing is a great way to detect whether or not a person has used drugs in the past 90…


Serenity Place… Continue reading

Help in NW Indiana for Son Who’s Depressed and Self Medicates?

Question by dede: Help in NW Indiana for son who’s depressed and self medicates?
Is there any other place in NW IN that has a good dual diagnosis program? He has been clean for four months but is depressed and ready to relaspe.(cocaine and/or heroin was what he used… Continue reading

What Are a Parents Rights vs. NV CPS if One Parent Passes Drug Test , and the Other Passes Only Hair Test?

Question by Krista: What are a parents rights vs. NV CPS if one parent passes drug test , and the other passes only hair test?
CPS took my friends child from his grandparents, whom he was visiting in another state, and when he was returned to his parents in… Continue reading