How Likely Is a Doctor (General Practitioner) to Write a Prescription Upon Request for Anxiety?
Question by Matthew C: How likely is a doctor (General Practitioner) to write a prescription upon request for anxiety?
I know that anxiety drugs are commonly abused, and my symptoms are mild. But I’d still like a benzodiazepine for when I need it. Would I be better off going… Continue reading
My Brother Has a Major Drug Problem, Does Anyone Know of a Good Treatment Center in Florida That Is Low Cost?
Question by rms2323: My brother has a major drug problem, Does anyone know of a good treatment center in Florida that is low cost?
My brother is 30 years old and has been an addict since he was 13. Over this time period I would say he’s collectively had… Continue reading
Cedar House Life Change Center – Substance Abuse Treatment
Cedar House Life Change Center – Substance Abuse Treatment – – At Cedar House Life Change Center, We believe that treatment services should be delivered in a way that respects the dignity, val…
Anonymous people no more: Cape Town Recovery Film Festival
Filed under: drug addiction treatment… Continue reading
Sigal Adini, Youth Drug Abuse Prevention: Rotary E-Club Greater SFV Program 6 Feb 2012
Sigal Adini, Youth Drug Abuse Prevention: Rotary E-Club Greater SFV Program 6 Feb 2012 – Sigal Adini, Program Director for Narconon, in an interview with the Rotary E-Club of The Greter San Fernando Valley, discusses efforts to educate children a…
Stemming tide of heroin abuse a 'big undertaking'… Continue reading
Do You Think Homosexuality Is a Gene That Scientists Need to Fix?
Question by EXPLORE THE TRUTH: Do you think homosexuality is a gene that scientists need to fix?
SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, drug addiction, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Would it not be a relief to… Continue reading
The Newton Center for Rehabilitation
The Newton Center for Rehabilitation –
'Snowball' Effect
Filed under: drug rehabs in nh
Detective McLaughlin runs the detective bureau, which also includes drug enforcement, at the police department in Keene, New Hampshire. The detective spoke about heroin use and crime to a group of students at press… Continue reading
Drug Addiction: The Real Story!
Drug Addiction: The Real Story! – Author, speaker and former psychotherapist Paulet Biedermann highlights the devastating effects drugs have on its victims and especially in the music/enterta…
Lawmakers Try to Tackle Growing Synthetic Drug Problem
Filed under: drug addiction stories
(ABC 6 NEWS) — They can cause hallucinations… Continue reading
What Are Some Movies About Losing Everything?
Question by : What are some movies about losing everything?
I’m looking for some movies about someone who falls from grace and loses everything either due to drug addiction or substance abuse. Possibly about someone who starts drinking and beings to use other drugs until they’ve lost everything, or about… Continue reading
Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : The Physical Effects of Addiction
Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : The Physical Effects of Addiction – Discover the physical effects of alcohol addiction in this free home health video. Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, ha…
Letters: Class hatred and 'Mail' row
Filed under: effects of drug… Continue reading
What Is the Stage of Progress of the Action Taken by the Government to Combat Drug Addiction?
Question by -aryanne- L: what is the stage of progress of the action taken by the government to combat drug addiction?
what is the stage of progress of the action taken by the government of the Philippines to combat drug addiction?
what has the government done so far as… Continue reading