Drug Addiction?
Question by ebizartistry: Drug addiction?
Why is “Demand Reduction” an elemental part of eliminating the drug problem?
Best answer:
Answer by Scuba Steve
if there’s no demand for a drug
the drug problem will not exist
because nobody will be buying it
all drugs or only problems… Continue reading
Looking for Long Term Oxicontin Addiction Treatment for Eighteen Yr. Old Male in Northern California?
Question by [email protected]: Looking for long term Oxicontin addiction treatment for eighteen yr. old male in Northern California?
Best answer:
Answer by kiki
The best hospital for that is UAMS (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) in Little Rock, AR.
My cousin who lives in Oregon, went there, and he’s… Continue reading
” a Good ” Drug Rehab. and NO Insurance?
Question by ***35***: ” a good ” drug rehab. and NO insurance?
OK, i know someone very hooked on Oxy. not just pill taking, but crushing and snorting and from what i read, outpatient will most likely not work. So can only the insured or wealthy get help… Continue reading
Alcohol, Drug Abuse by Parents Linked to Arthritis in Offspring
Alcohol, Drug Abuse by Parents Linked to Arthritis in Offspring
New research suggests a person is significantly more likely to develop adult arthritis if a parent was addicted to alcohol or drugs. University of Toronto researchers examined a group of 13,036 adults and found that 20.4 per cent of respondents… Continue reading
Heroin Report: Great Ideas, but Not Enough Action
Heroin report: Great ideas, but not enough action
Kass Foster, a co-founder of Parent to Parent, a Marlton-based support group for parents of children battling drug addiction, look over binders filled with obituaries of drug-related deaths dating back to 1997, on Wednesday, January 29, 2014. / Denise …
Read more on… Continue reading
Drug/alcohol Addiction Treated Like an Illness but Food Addiction People Are Just Called Fat, Why Is That?
Question by Megan H: Drug/alcohol addiction treated like an illness but food addiction people are just called fat, why is that?
I know people who go to N.A. and A.A. and it is free, 2 of them even receive SSI payments as they are too “addicted” to work.… Continue reading
Addiction Treatment | Intervention Center Minneapolis | Addiction Treatment
Addiction Treatment | Intervention Center Minneapolis | Addiction Treatment — http://minneapolis.alcoholdrugrehabmn.com/ Alcohol Drug Rehab Minneapolis Call (612) 213-0204 to Get Help Now! to Get Help Now! We offer the best drug rehab,…
INTERVIEW: Officials Aim to Stem Heroin Epidemic
Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek and Adam Pederson from Minnesota Adult… Continue reading
Help for the Rest of the Family — Stigma of Drug Abuse
Help for the Rest of the Family — Stigma of Drug Abuse — Reaching out for help is an essentials step discusses Richard Rawson, Ph.D.
Drug abuse is leading cause of custody loss in Ashtabula County
“I have at least a couple a day,” said Jasmine Hopson, ACCSB coordinator of… Continue reading
Info on Recommended Low Cost Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs in Sacramento, CA areA?
Question by karenzresearch: info on recommended low cost drug & alcohol rehab programs in Sacramento, CA areA?
Best answer:
California Treatment Services Alcohol Or Drug Problem? We Can Help You Now!
(530) 743-3304, 5653 Arboga Rd, Marysville, CA
www.treatment-works.com… Continue reading
My Brother Is on Drugs! Help!?
Question by A6b72R: My brother is on drugs! Help!?
I live in Melbourne, Australia. He is 28 (so he doesnt live with us). He used to be on drugs but he got of them, now he is on them again. I am not sure what he takes because noone will… Continue reading