drug addicts

What Are the Causes of Drug Addiction ?

Question by lilxldy: What are the causes of drug addiction ?
can comeone tell me the causes of drug addiction

Best answer:

Answer by patricia t
hereditary and some claim if you are allergic to something you crave it and get addicted to it…

Give your answer to this… Continue reading

Drug Rehab Oklahoma City Call 405-543-2973 Alcohol Rehab Detox


Drug Rehab Oklahoma City Call 405-543-2973 Alcohol Rehab Detox – alcoholdrugrehaboklahomacity.com Drug Rehab Oklahoma City Call 405-543-2973 Alcohol Rehab Detox. Drug Rehab Oklahoma City offers trained counselors and holistic programs for long term physical, physiological, behavioral, social and spiritual recovery no matter if you or your loved one is… Continue reading

Drug Addiction?

Question by Just Wondering: Drug Addiction?
I am taking a class on Social Problems and we have to do a project on a certain social problem in our society. The topic I chose is drug addiction. I see this as a pretty bad social problem in the united states.… Continue reading

Can Somebody Explain Why Mexico Would Even Have Drug Rehab Centers Since Mexico Says Its Only a US Problem?

Question by I’m gonna start another riot: Can somebody explain why Mexico would even have drug rehab centers since Mexico says its only a US problem?
Even for regular families with addicts, drug centers can be ugly places. Parents commit unruly adolescents or even their adult children against their… Continue reading

Essay Help?

Question by f!v3-0h: essay help?
its just the intro anything a should improve or work on? http://www.talktofrank.com/home_htm…

Frank leaflet


This essay is about the frank leaflet. iwill analyse the frank leaflet i will also review and comment on it. Frank is a helpline for those who are struggling… Continue reading

Drug Treatment Program Will Be a Lasting Legacy, Says Governor


Drug Treatment Program Will Be A Lasting Legacy, Says Governor – With Attorney General Jeff Chiesa looking on, Gov. Chris Christie laid out an ambitious plan to get all nonviolent offenders with drug problems into treatment, a plan that would greatly expand the state’s drug court program to all… Continue reading

The Faces of Drug Addiction


The Faces of Drug Addiction – No one is immune to the evils of drug addiction, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a neighbor. In this story we introduce you to two young men who you would never think would be recovering drug addicts, and it all… Continue reading

HopeStories.ca – Verissimo’s Story


HopeStories.ca – Verissimo’s Story – To the outsider he appeared to function normally. But behind the scenes, Verissimo was a full-blown cocaine addict. Once a successful businessman earning six figures, he never dreamed he would be homeless at age 42. Verissimo, known to his peers as trucker, grew up… Continue reading

Thai Monastery Runs Drug Rehab Program


Thai Monastery Runs Drug Rehab Program – (LinkAsia: July 1, 2011) Buddhist monks use diet, discipline and self-reflection to cure drug addicts. Broadcaster: VTV4, 6/28/2011


Gateway Foundation Opens New Outpatient Treatment Center in Pekin

Filed under: drug rehab programs

About Gateway Foundation Alcohol & Drug Treatment Gateway Foundation… Continue reading

Allissa’s Story


Allissa’s Story – This is Alissa’s story. She is a successful graduate of Minnesota Teen Challenge. Alissa’s story starts with postpartum depression when she became addicted to pain killers. After an overdose she joined faith based drug treatment center Minnesota Teen Challenge. She has been transformed and is working… Continue reading