Medications Cut Violence Among Mentally Ill in Study
Medications Cut Violence Among Mentally Ill in Study
Previous evidence suggests that people with severe mental illnesses do have an elevated risk of violent behavior, compared with the general population, particularly when they are untreated or are engaged in substance abuse. But there has been … "It's …
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Rehab After Work of Philadelphia, PA Helps Fight Drug Addiction | (215) 342-4400
Rehab After Work of Philadelphia, PA Helps Fight Drug Addiction | (215) 342-4400 — Rehab After Work of Philadelphia offers a caring staff of professionals who can help you through these tough times. Fami…
State expert says drug addiction at epidemic level
Recent statistics have shown that as many… Continue reading
Knights of the South Bronx – 2005 TV Film | Inspiring Chess Movie for Kids
Knights of the South Bronx – 2005 TV film | Inspiring Chess Movie for Kids — Knights of the South Bronx is a 2005 TV film about a teacher who helps students at a tough inner-city school to succeed by teaching them to play chess. A bus…
Heroin fight shifts… Continue reading
Australia in the Grip of an Ice 'pandemic'
Australia in the grip of an ice 'pandemic'
The nation's drug supply is also changing as drug dealers and users turn to the internet and use the mail as a drug delivery service, says the head of the Australian Crime Commission. "Yes, we are seeing a very high increase in… Continue reading
NYC Alcohol Rehab Detox _ 877 648 1344 _ NYC Alcoholism Intervention Counseling
NYC Alcohol Rehab Detox _ 877 648 1344 _ NYC Alcoholism Intervention Counseling — drug “free drug rehab” “teen drug rehab” “holistic drug rehab” “drug rehab programs” “drug addiction rehab” “inpatient drug rehab” “drug rehab treatment” “dr…
Elected Officials, Community Groups Rally in Support of Brooklyn DA Ken …
gabriel… Continue reading
Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Question by Toddzilla: Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Any advice would be apprciated.. I am attending NA and AA nightly including an IOP program and still find it extremely difficult to stop using… my wife and job have dissapeared and I having nothing else to loose still cant stop…… Continue reading
Brief Screening Instrument for Adolescent Substance Abuse Shows Promise
Brief screening instrument for adolescent substance abuse shows promise
The study was based in Baltimore, with 92.8% of the participants being of African American descent, and the substance use reported in the study was in line with national data found for African Americans. Dr. Kelly and her associates recommended that …… Continue reading
One in Three Canadians Has Suffered Child Abuse, Study Says
One in three Canadians has suffered child abuse, study says
While those numbers seem high, Dr. Afifi said in an interview she was not surprised by the results, which are consistent with previously documented findings in Ontario and data from the U.S. She added that drug use or dependence,… Continue reading
Parent-Teen Talk Concerning Alcohol Recognized Nationally
Parent-teen talk concerning alcohol recognized nationally
Marissa was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She graduated from the University of New Mexico with a … It was also that same addiction that led him to helping others as a project manager for Impact Futures in Amarillo. "My first drink… Continue reading
Drug Addiction?
Question by tnt: drug addiction?
My sister in law recently has started to shoot up crystal, she has been smoking it for years but now has taken it to another level. Does anyone possibly know what the withdrawl symptoms are? I have tried looking it up online but… Continue reading