Addiction and Trust: Marc Lewis at TEDxRadboudU 2013
Addiction and trust: Marc Lewis at TEDxRadboudU 2013 — A former drug addict himself, Lewis now researches addiction. In order to get over ones addiction, he explains, self-trust is necessary. Unfortunately, self-…
Should E-cigarettes Be Allowed In The Workplace?
Though studies are also thin on proof that e-cigarettes are effective… Continue reading
Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Question by Toddzilla: Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Any advice would be apprciated.. I am attending NA and AA nightly including an IOP program and still find it extremely difficult to stop using… my wife and job have dissapeared and I having nothing else to loose still cant stop…… Continue reading
How to Convince Others to Reach Out and Help Drug Addicts?
Question by Just wonderin’: How to convince others to reach out and help drug addicts?
I am 29 days clean from many many drugs without ANY help from my church or my town. I had people from other states reach out to me to help… Continue reading
A Conservative Approach to Drug Laws
A conservative approach to drug laws
Gov. Chris Christie has backed legal reform in New Jersey, specifically to set up drug courts that will deal with nonviolent offenders and require treatment for their addiction. He memorably said that it made no sense to put addicts in jail since they …… Continue reading
Can You Help Me Find My Brother a Drug Rehab Center That Is Free or Super Inexpensive?
Question by Texan~to_the-Max: Can you help me find my brother a drug rehab center that is free or super inexpensive?
My brother who has no insurance has been abusing legal and illegal drugs and goes on drug trips that land him in the loony bin a few times.… Continue reading
What Personality Might Have to Do With Drug Abuse Risk
What Personality Might Have To Do With Drug Abuse Risk
People with certain personality traits may be at increased risk for drug use problems, and studying personality may help researchers better understand and treat these problems, according to a new review. Many studies have attempted to link genes to the… Continue reading
Drug Addict Cannot Forgive Herself Because Her Daughter Was Born a Heroin Addict
Drug addict cannot forgive herself because her daughter was born a heroin addict
Even when she realized her daughter was a drug addict and had to receive a treatment, Corraine couldn't think about anything other than getting a fix. But soon she understood that she had a problem and needed… Continue reading
Drugs Are Public Enemy Number One: Sharjah Police Official
Drugs are public enemy number one: Sharjah Police official
In an interview with Gulf News on the ongoing battle to fight drug abuse in the emirate, Brigadier Mohammad Eid Al Madhloum, Director-General of Police Operations at Sharjah Police, said police are working round the clock to keep youngsters safe from… Continue reading
HELP! My Boyfriend Is a Drug Addict.. =[[?
Question by *geeunittt ;]]: HELP! my boyfriend is a drug addict.. =[[?
okay so growing up my boyfriend started smoking weed in like 8th grade. in 10th grade he tried coke and overdosed, but he was okay, thank god. he decided to never do that again, but continued to smoke… Continue reading
FOX NEWS – Ex-Drug Addict Didn’t Find God Until He overdosed..Don’t Miss This POWERFUL Story
FOX NEWS – Ex-drug addict didn’t find God until he overdosed..Don’t miss this POWERFUL story — Chris Buscher, founder of Lay Me Down Ministry Inc, is being interviewed by KMEG Fox 44 News Febuary 13, 2011 If this video has inspired you we ask you to he…
Ex-cop found… Continue reading