Substance Abuse : How to Find an Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Program
Substance Abuse : How to Find an Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Program – Outpatient alcohol treatment programs are usually not appropriate for someone who is in need of acute medical detoxification. Look for an outpatient alcohol treatment program that integrates psychiatric help into the program with help from an addiction specialist in this free video on substance abuse. Expert: Dr. Kim Makoi Bio: Dr. Kim Makoi has been a chiropractor in San Francisco for more than 11 years. He is also an addiction specialist. Filmmaker: Sam Lee
Audit: Juvenile prison's drug programs lacking
Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist
Williams says the agency is considering hiring another substance abuse specialist. It also might become a licensed treatment program, which could bring in more funding and improve quality through independent reviews. ___. Information from: The Topeka …
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