Sen. Schumer Pushes Program to Battle Teen Drug Abuse
Sen. Schumer Pushes Program to Battle Teen Drug Abuse – JERICHO — New York State Senator Charles Schumer discussed a new program Monday to reduce dangerous prescription drug use among teens on the island. Speaking…
Obama touts populist economics, offers few specifics in lengthy speech
Filed under: teen drug abuse help
”I care about one thing and one thing only, and that's how to use every minute of the 1,276 days remaining in my term to make this country work for working Americans again,” he said. That pitch may help slow or reverse his decline in the polls. But …
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Child poverty forum held in Logan
Filed under: teen drug abuse help
The majority of those who spoke to the committee were of the opinion that drug abuse was a major factor to children's poverty. Three people, all who testified to the … Adkins said he has been personally working and helping in other counties in …
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