Race and the Drug War…?

Question by Cappucino: Race and the drug war…?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S. Please read the article below by clicking the link before answering. *The font is small so you want to copy the whole article and put it on word and make it a larger font to read*

Do you think this is fair? Explain.


Best answer:

Answer by thegubmint
The stats don’t go deep enough. Most drug arrests are a byproduct of getting stopped for other offenses. The cops stop someone on suspicion for the burglary that just happened down the street, the dude has a couple of rocks on him and, bingo, drug arrest.

Take a look at the crime statistics. Where do most crimes occur? Minority neighborhoods. Where do most cops patrol? Minority neighborhoods. Where do most arrests take place? Minority neighborhoods.

Does it have to be that way? No. But it isn’t up to da man to fix the hood. It’s up to the people who live there. Listen to Bill Cosby. It’s the truth.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



1985 – PSA – Just Say NO to Drugs! – Refer, Ludes, Blow – The National Institute on Drug Abuse – Brought to you by www.videoarcheology.com Follow us on Twitter @ http Do you have a favorite memory pertaining to this video artifact? Please share your comments with us. Can you recognize or identify any of the actors or personalities? Please let us know. Do you know any of the creative staff and crew involved in producing this piece? Your comments are welcome. Your meaningful comments contribute to the contextualization and documentation of our cultural history. www.videoarcheology.com – discover, document, digitize, distribute All works presented are © and TM of their respective owners. “Fair Use Law” (17 USC 107 (1988 & Supp. IV 1993). Section 107)


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From Twitter:

Dependance Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse http://t.co/WUyg0WKc – by OccupyCommand (Occupy Command)


From Twitter:

Dr. Boyce is from the National Institute on Drug Abuse #lrn – by k_marte (Kathy Marte)


From Twitter:

Study finds combined dopamine dysfunction in drug addicted, schizophrenic patients | National Institute on Drug Abuse http://t.co/XfuuBXpC – by atovilla (Andrés Tovilla )