Prescription, Psychiatric Drugs / Pills Addiction, Overdose, Deaths, Hospitalizations


Prescription, Psychiatric Drugs / Pills Addiction, Overdose, Deaths, Hospitalizations – Hi, it’s Angela. Let’s start this video with a quote from the magazine Scientific America, “The number of deaths and hospitalizations caused by prescription drugs has risen precipitously in the past decade, with overdoses of pain medications, in particular opioids, sedatives and tranquilizers, more than doubling between 1999 and 2006, according to a new study.” Now let’s hear what comedian Bill Maher had to say about prescription drugs: –“If you believe you need to take all the pills the pharmaceutical industry says you do, then you’re already on drugs.” –“We won’t stop being sick if we don’t stop making ourselves sick.” –“The government isn’t your nanny. They’re your dealer and they subsidize illness in America. They have to. There’s too much money in it. You see, there’s no money in healthy people and there’s no money in dead people. The money is in the middle, people who are alive (sort of) but with one or more chronic conditions that puts them in need of Celebrex, Nasalnex, Valtrex, or Lunesta.” –“50 years ago children didn’t even get Type 2 Diabetes. It’s now an emerging epidemic as are a long list of ailments which used to be rare but have been ‘mainstreamed.’ Things like Asthma, autism, acid relfex, arthritis, allergies, adult acne, attention deficit disorder. And that’s just the A’s.” –“In Hillary Clinton’s health care plan, the words NUTRITION and EXERCISE appear just once. The word ‘drugs’ appear 14 times, just as the pharmaceutical


Ex-NHL tough guy Chris Nilan opens up about painful recovery from drug

Filed under: drug addiction quotes

He is at the heart of the documentary, pouring out his heart from the credits when the camera focuses on his battered hands while he details the abuse he put them through as a hockey player. Just about everyone has days when they want to punch their …
Read more on Vancouver Sun


A New Brilliant Start

Filed under: drug addiction quotes

Instead of a description of the actual Granada House, Max quotes a passage from Infinite Jest about the fictional Ennet House. We wonder just what Big Craig made of Wallace, but his observation is hidden in a …. This is what Gately discovers, for …
Read more on The New York Review of Books