Marijuana Addiction Denial?
Question by ab: Marijuana addiction denial?
My bf of a year and a half quit smoking pot altogether in February of this year bc of my urging/begging/nagging. Yesterday out of the blue he asks if he can smoke at a Halloween party we were attending. Of course I was hurt and furious. He then compared smoking to me tanning and speeding and said those things are just as bad, no . He says he still wants to do it but only doesn’t on my behalf. I’m frustrated and looking for advice. Were 25.
Best answer:
Answer by rob
well from my experience when im doing something only because my girl wants me too im not happy and that makes the relationship suck maybe you could let him smoke occasionaly or instead of being mad at him just for asking just talk to him about it i mean he cared enuff to ask and you bugged out on him thats messed up now he will probably doit anyway and not tell you
Answer by Ra Mo
There is no such things as an addiction to pot, just cause he has cravings doesn’t make it an addiction.
and if you look at health risks tanning is worse then smoking pot.
Just let him be himself don’t try and change people to what you like, if you don’t like him for him then you should just leave him not change him.
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