Lulong (A Drug Addiction Documentary) – GREATWK S15


Lulong (A Drug Addiction Documentary) – GREATWK S15 – Members: Mampusti, Ella Marcelo, Neil Francis


UN calls for legalizing prostitution in Thailand & New Zealand

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

According to the report, the worst countries to be caught possessing a condom while appearing to work as a prostitute include Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. In those countries …
Read more on Weekly Blitz


Too high sin taxes may result in less revenue

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

It is already an addiction. Although many smokers want to quit, they cannot. Their bodies crave for the nicotine. So like a drug addict, they will go to all sorts of ways to get money for a nicotine fix, even if that means reducing the food budget for …
Read more on Cebu Daily News