Hypnosis and Addiction Treatment (Scott Sandland and Richard Nongard)
Hypnosis and Addiction Treatment (Scott Sandland and Richard Nongard) – www.SubliminalScience.com Advanced training and resources for professional hypnotists
From Twitter:
Drug Addiction & Treatment: The #Toronto Psychosomatic Clinic #LLMO #ACO-1 #AwesomeTeam 14694503 – http://t.co/HIhm1TWP – by LeslieMostrup (Leslie Mostrup)
From Twitter:
RT @ondrugaddiction: Irrational thoughts are inevitably present in #depression, #anxiety, substance #abuse and #addiction – http://t.co/ … – by EddieMac330 (Eddie Mac330)
From Twitter:
Irrational thoughts are inevitably present in #depression, #anxiety, substance #abuse and #addiction – http://t.co/su6LpWXV – by ondrugaddiction (Drug Addiction)