How Does Alcohol Addiction Compare to Other Drugs?
Question by Jimmy L: How does alcohol addiction compare to other drugs?
I would like to know how alcohol addiction compares to other drugs? I don’t drink or do drugs, but I am writing this report and need to know as much as I can.
First of all, do you guys think alcohol is addicting (I wouldn’t know because I never tried and never will)?
Second, how addicting is it compared to drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, amephetamines, ecstacy, and marijuana?
Please rate in order if you have to.
Best answer:
Answer by Mike
Alcohol is the only drug that can be addicting to the point where it becomes a disease; alcoholism. It is very addicting and if it is brought to a far enough stage, the withdrawls can be fatal.
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From Twitter:
RT @MsBrendaQ: RT @MsBrendaQ: Someone help Raffy with his addiction to alcohol – by AnaIsabelle29 (†)
From Twitter:
RT @PineRestGR: RT @PineRestGR: Withdrawal from alcohol, benzos and opiates can be deadly. Seek help. #addiction – by stellafly (stellafly)
From Twitter:
Withdrawal from alcohol, benzos and opiates can be deadly. Seek help. #addiction – by PineRestGR (Pine Rest )