Homelessness & Substance Use Disorder Treatment / Documentary Video


Homelessness & Substance Use Disorder Treatment / Documentary Video – Homelessness & Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Recovery-Oriented Housing & Achieving Healthy Lifestyles. Public domain video from the Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT). When we see homeless people on the streets, we often wonder how did they get there? The relationship between homelessness, mental health, and substance use disorders is complex and multi-dimensional. To effectively break this cyclical relationship, we must understand treatment for substance use disorders is effective and recovery is possible, but it takes work. With the help of evidence-based behavioral, clinical, medication-assisted treatment regimens, and recovery support services, individuals can enjoy independent and productive lives in the community. This hour-long program called Homelessness & Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Recovery-Oriented Housing & Achieving Healthy Lifestyles will examine the relationship between homelessness and substance use disorder treatment from both a program perspective and a policy perspective. It will also explore the issues of permanent supportive housing, comprehensive treatment protocols, and recovery support systems to assist individuals in achieving life-long positive physical and emotional health outcomes in long-term recovery. We can help break the cycle of homelessness. Key Concepts: What are the characteristics of persons who experience homelessness? Why are veterans at particular risk for homelessness and substance use disorders


First three graduate from county's drug court

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

First graduates of Sangamon County Drug Treatment Court are, from left, Teresa M. Brown, Leonard "Dave" Kemp Jr. and Stacey A. Ray. … As of Friday, he's also one of the first three graduates of Sangamon County's Drug Treatment Court. “Dave was …
Read more on The State Journal-Register


BioMarin at life-high as genetic disorder drug meets main goal

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

"Our consultants have said that given the unmet need in (the disorder) the FDA could approve the drug even if the statistics in the primary endpoint were missed," Nadeau said. However … There is currently no approved treatment for MPS IVA. The drug …
Read more on Chicago Tribune


It's time Scotland shows sense on methadone

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

There are currently no accurate statistics to tell us what success – or not – the programme is having. No one knows how … Methadone can have a place in drug treatment – but only as a short-term measure to try to help addicts stabilise their lives …
Read more on Scottish Daily Record