'Epipen for Addicts' Proposed to Fight Prescription Drug Overdoses
'Epipen for addicts' proposed to fight prescription drug overdoses
High-ranking medical officials, police and educators are preparing to unveil new guidelines in Hamilton to curb prescription drug misuse, including the proposed use of a type of “Epipen for addicts" called prophylactic Naloxone. Prophylactic Naloxone …
Read more on CBC.ca
'Epipen for addicts' proposed to fight prescription drug problem
High-ranking medical officials, police and educators are preparing to unveil new guidelines in Hamilton to curb prescription drug misuse, including the proposed use of a type of “Epipen for addicts" called prophylactic Naloxone. Prophylactic Naloxone …
Read more on CBC.ca
Penn Medicine points to new ways to prevent relapse in cocaine-addicted patients
Researchers at Penn Medicine's Center for Studies of Addiction have now found that the drug baclofen, commonly used to prevent spasms in patients with spinal cord injuries and neurological disorders, can help block the impact of the brain's response to …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)
We need the right tools to tackle the overdose pandemic
They are also grandmothers who take too many painkillers, labourers who get addicted after treatment for a back injury, teenagers who raid their parents' medicine cabinet, kids who mistake pills for candy and recreational users who can be anyone from …
Read more on The Globe and Mail
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