Drug Rehab?

Question by tell: Drug Rehab?
So my husband is ready for rehab. He abuses his prescription medication, and takes pills that are also not prescribed to him. However He is worried about going to a inpaitent rehab due to me not being able to pay the bills alone and we have two kids. I was wondering how successful is outpaitent rehab and is it just as effective and inpaitent?
To Douglas, He himself made the choice to go to rehab, he actually told me I could go live with his mom if worst come to worst. I myself are also worried about the bills and just wonder this question too.

Best answer:

Answer by angel_luvz_bert
i went to an inpaitent and it was the best thing i ever did and i dont think outpaitent are as effective becuz u can still get to the drugs when ur in u cant get to them

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Rehabilitation and what a wife thinks of it. – Drug Rehab success 4 http//drugrehabus.org In this video you can see the drug addiction struggles of a wife as she tried to save her man. youtu.be


From Twitter:

Rehab with doctor Drew makes me want to help drug addicts. – by naomisbakery (Naomi Lion)


From Twitter:

RT @DC_KB24: RT @DC_KB24: “@TheFactsBook: The most used drug worldwide is caffeine” @MissEsperanza8 see your an addict #rehabby MissEsperanza8 (Miss Amor)


From Twitter:

If love is a drug I need some serious rehabby S_Prizio (Stephen P.)