Do They Drug Test for Probation for Non-Drug Related Offenses in Georgia?
Question by Bear: Do they drug test for probation for non-drug related offenses in georgia?
I’ve been to court already for a speeding ticket and I have to go on probation until I get 40 hours of community service in. I’ve already paid the fine and wrote the essay they… Continue reading
Addiction Fact or Fiction?
Question by `~Quie~“`;,,.’: Addiction fact or fiction?
I smoked and did LOTS of drugs during my life, and I quit (its been two years) without any problems: no cravings or withdrawls to speak of. So my question is simply: is addiction real or a matter of will power?… Continue reading
Finding Treatment for Opiate Addiction Fraught With Challenges
Finding treatment for opiate addiction fraught with challenges
When opiate addiction reaches a crisis point, either through a medical emergency or a drug user's life falling apart, it can be hard knowing where to turn. … clinical social worker, addiction counselor and clinical supervisor at Spectrum Health …
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When One Hears of Substance Abuse??? ?
Question by ChemStudent: When one hears of substance abuse??? ?
When one hears of substance abuse one immediately thinks of illicit or illegal drugs. However, mind altering substances are legally prevalent in our society with their use having a multitude of consequences. Use this forum… Continue reading
Tumor in a Beer Bottle: Scary NHS Advert Survives Industry Strike
Tumor in a beer bottle: Scary NHS advert survives industry strike
County Durham & Darling NHS Foundation Trust (trading as Balance) said the Northeast England had some of the worst alcohol-related health problems in the country, and the highest hospital admission rate. Welcoming the ASA decision today, Balance, …
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NYC Alcohol Rehab Detox _ 877 648 1344 _ NYC Alcoholism Intervention Counseling
NYC Alcohol Rehab Detox _ 877 648 1344 _ NYC Alcoholism Intervention Counseling — drug “free drug rehab” “teen drug rehab” “holistic drug rehab” “drug rehab programs” “drug addiction rehab” “inpatient drug rehab” “drug rehab treatment” “dr…
Elected Officials, Community Groups Rally in Support of Brooklyn DA Ken …
gabriel… Continue reading
Dean Ruble Helps Sufferers of Drug and Alcohol Addiction – IndyPosted
Dean Ruble Helps Sufferers of Drug and Alcohol Addiction – IndyPosted — As a doctor of osteopathic medicine, doctors like Dean Ruble help patients every day who struggle from drug and alcohol addiction. He knows that addiction af…
Project Lifeline working to fight drug addictions
DAVE HODGES, Region 3 coordinator… Continue reading
Dallas Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Dallas Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling
Dallas Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Dallas Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling — Dallas Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Dallas Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling Alcohol detoxification Alcohol det…
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Nearly Cancer Free, Diamond Dallas Page Says …
Roberts suffered through drug and alcohol abuse for… Continue reading
How Do I Kick This Alcohol Addiction?
Question by : How do I kick this alcohol addiction?
I’m only 25 but I feel the need to drink every night. I have one dui but really should have had more. I have 2 kids and a full time job so AA seems impossible to fit into… Continue reading
Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Question by Toddzilla: Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Any advice would be apprciated.. I am attending NA and AA nightly including an IOP program and still find it extremely difficult to stop using… my wife and job have dissapeared and I having nothing else to loose still cant stop…… Continue reading