Drug Abuse?
Question by Sunshine: Drug abuse?
What is drug abuse Continuum
Best answer:
Answer by NewLightOldGame
Just changing from one drug to another. It is when you take one drug, and when you lose ability of obtaining it, you gain access to another. Thus continuing the drug abuse, only with a different drug.
Some have conscience issues and will use alcohol and or drugs to ease it all. And if the beer isn’t around, where is the pot ?
This is where the argument of pot leading to bigger drugs comes into play, it is said that you get into this continuum.
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Sunday's top story: Officials worried by drug-addicted baby cases
Filed under: drug abuse
About 5 percent of babies delivered at LMH each year are born with a drug addiction, pediatrician Brian Klima said. With between 2,000 and 2,500 babies entering the world at LMH annually, between 100 and 125 newborns suffer withdrawal symptoms from …
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Because, let's not pretend otherwise, drugs are extremely harmful for some people. What's the most effective way to achieve our goals with drug policy? In fact, what are our goals? Do we want a) to reduce drug use no matter what, or b) to reduce the …
Read more on Telegraph.co.uk (blog)
From Twitter:
Just learned that if you abuse a certain legal drug for long enough your body builds up a tolerance to it. I took 2 pills & they did nothing – by Original_Cindy (Original Cindy)
From Twitter:
Alcohol and drug abuse can both cause mental health problems and make preexisting mental or emotional problems worse. – by SanjivChhatwal (Sanjiv Chhatwal)
From Twitter:
#Factors Which Contribute To Drug And Alcohol Abuse In Teenagers #article 108440 CanuckClicks – by Canuckclicks (CanuckClicks)