Does Anybody Have Any Drug Abuse Statistics About Jamaica?

Question by Adam B: Does anybody have any drug abuse statistics about Jamaica?
I am writing up a study for my class about different cultures between my home in the UK and Jamaica, and whilst it has been relatively easy to find information closer to home, I can not find one single statistic for Jamaica that relates to drug ABUSE. I know about the attitudes of Jamaicans towards drugs but I don’t have any official or non official statistics about it
any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by The Marines

It doesn’t give you an exact stat, as it is described to be “impossible to ever find out,” due to such large drug-usage rate.

You can expect it to be very muh higher.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Drug Abuse Statistics – The Truth – IF you do drugs, try not to get addicted… A little statistics presentation video I made for English.


Letters: drug abuse, Mount Soledad, Prince Harry

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

I feel the letter from Pam Slater-Price and Bonnie Dumanis misses the point regarding drug abuse (“Stepping up the fight against prescription drug abuse,” Opinion, Aug. 24). We have thrown away a lot of money on the war on drugs. We have thrown away a …
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Why drug abuse, cyber-crime must attract stiffer penalty, by ANPP

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ALL Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP) has canvassed stiffer punishment for drug abuse and cyber-crime to avert the reoccurrence of the gory killing of Cynthia Osokogu in Lagos recently. Lamenting the abuse of the social media network by bad elements in the …
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From Twitter:

Drug Abuse Statistics – Trends in the New Generation – by tawassalim (fouzi)


From Twitter:

RT @fitnessleak: Poor diet and lack of exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statisticsby traaaceface (Trace)


From Twitter:

Poor diet and lack of #exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statisticsby 151bpm (Torey Beard)