Dallas Drug Rehab Detox _ 877-667-4695 _ Dallas Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling
Dallas Drug Rehab Detox _ 877-667-4695 _ Dallas Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling – drug “free drug rehab” “teen drug rehab” “holistic drug rehab” “drug rehab programs” “drug addiction rehab” “inpatient drug rehab” “drug rehab treatment” “dr…
Teenager's appeal against armed robberies sentence dismissed
Filed under: teen drug abuse help
He started smoking cannabis at 11, using heroin at 14 and was regularly exposed to domestic violence and drug and alcohol abuse. The sentencing judge rejected the submission that the offences were less serious because the weapons used were replicas …
Read more on Northern Star
Ruth Marcus: Troubling turnabout on legal marijuana
Filed under: teen drug abuse help
As the American Medical Association concluded in recommending against legalization last November, “Cannabis is a dangerous drug and as such is a public health concern.” The association added: “It is the most common illicit drug involved in drugged …
Read more on The Oshkosh Northwestern
New Beginnings CEO Outlines Five Ways to Help Teens Recovering From …
Filed under: teen drug abuse help
“Like many diseases, addiction is not isolated to the individual, but instead is like a cancer that affects the entire family,” says Patout. “Teens who have struggled through addiction and made it through treatment often return to a home full of …
Read more on PR Web (press release)