Carl Hart Describes Drug Addicts and Addiction


Carl Hart Describes Drug Addicts and Addiction – Invoking chocolate, the professor talks about the right way and the wrong way to define a drug addiction. Question: How do you define addiction?Hart: Ther…


When Gay Marriage Has An Asterisk

Filed under: drug abuse definition

It's worth pointing out that while English law may have defined it that way, it's not the Biblical definition. Cf. Mark 10:11 (which properly applies to divorce, but …. There was a lot of alcholism and drug abuse. I don't sit in judgement on them …
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Twitter carries Baptist leaders' dismay with gay marriage ruling

Filed under: drug abuse definition

In a compilation of religious responses at National Review tweeted by Moore, he wrote, "In a day when churches must fight for the cultural freedom to define marriage, laissez-faire wedding policies, and the nominalism that goes with them, are done for …
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