California Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab CA


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Drugs in Michael Jackson's system revealed

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers california

The 26-year-old actress – who began a 90-day court-ordered treatment program at the Betty Ford Center in California on Thursday (05.02.13) to avoid jail after pleading "no contest" to charges for lying to police about driving during a car crash last …


Brooke Mueller receiving treatment at UCLA Medical Center

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers california

"Brooke will be [at UCLA Medical Center] for several more days, and will likely transition directly into a residential treatment facility to get help for prescription drug abuse," the publicist said. "Brooke misses her children, and wants to get …


Synthetic Pot Use Can Mimic Symptoms of Prenatal Disorder

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers california

Although women with these serious prenatal conditions get better after delivery, researchers in California pointed out that pregnant women with a drug problem do not. Synthetic marijuana … Dr. Cindy Lee and Dr. Sally Nalesnik, from Kern Medical …
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