Before You Get Surgery How Come You Have to Sign a Consent for HIV and Drug Abuse?
Question by HAKEEM: before you get surgery how come you have to sign a consent for HIV and drug abuse?
when i got surgery i had to sign a consent form bout hiv and drug abuse, why is that?
Best answer:
Answer by Reknaw133
I think it’s because the equipement is cleaned and reusable. Somebody with HIV or a history of IV drug abuse would require disposable equipment.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Alcohol & Substance Abuse : Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic – A functioning alcoholic is typically not someone who is physically dependent, but rather someone who is psychologically or emotionally dependent on alcohol. Look for a functioning alcoholic’s leisure activities to revolve around alcohol withhelp from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on alcohol abuse. Expert: David Thomas Contact: Bio: Dr. David Thomas has been certified as a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida since 1986 and in the National Board of Certified Counselors since 1987. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Trenton High School Hosting Drug Awareness Workshop Tonight
Filed under: signs of drug abuse
"The goal of this program is to empower participants with the knowledge they need to spot warning signs of drug abuse in time to intervene and/or prevent it," according to the SJMHS. For the latest Trenton and Grosse Ile news and information, "like" …
Prescription addiction a growing problem for county, state
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But medical care providers are put into a tough situation. Pauley said physicians and nurses are aware of many telltale signs of drug-seeking behavior, though they must also balance their responsibility for curbing abuse with fulfilling their duty to …
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When John Kerry Was a Lone Hero in Congress
Filed under: signs of drug abuse
In early 1986 Kerry's office was contacted by a Vietnam vet who alleged that the support network for the CIA-backed Nicaraguan contras (who were fighting against the socialist Sandinistas in power) was linked to drug traffickers. Kerry doubted that the …
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From Twitter:
Early signs of drug abuse and bad parenting #SmileBig #WhatUp #HeroineAddict #Crazy #ChristmasEve – by B_MAC_007 (BridgeR JoeL)
From Twitter:
Beware of someone who fidgets, sniffs, snorts, continually shifts eyes; these are signs of drug abuse or unwanted behaviors. – by DatingSafely (ExcellentDatingTips)
From Twitter:
Signs of Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse… – by teen2ndchances (Teen 2nd Chances)