Basin Kids as Young as Nine Years Old Seeking Drug Abuse Treatment


Basin Kids as Young as Nine Years Old Seeking Drug Abuse Treatment – We’re at the tail end of Red Ribbon week, a national anti-drug campaign with a heavy presence in the Basin. NewsWest 9 met up with local anti-drug leaders to…


White House Budget Would Fund Drug Punishment Over Treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration budget released Wednesday emphasizes drug abuse punishment and interdiction over treatment and prevention, despite recent rhetoric from the Office of National Drug Control Policy on a "21st century" approach.
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Prescription drug abuse: Stigma often keeps abusers from help – KATV

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

FORT SMITH (Arkansas News Bureau) — Prescription drug abuse is a disease that can affect people of all walks of life, yet many people do not seek help because of the stigma and possible consequences associated with it. Those who work in the health …
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Legislative effort to deal with prescription drug, meth abuse moving forward

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

However Jackie Corbally, the chief of treatment for the division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs (ADAP) in the Department of Health, told VTDigger it's unlikely the proposed change in state statute will result in a change for Sears' constituents.