Addiction Helpline From Addictions UK
Addiction Helpline from Addictions UK – Craving can strike an addict at any time of the day or night. Sometimes all it takes to avoid disaster is a phone call to someone who cares. AddictionsUK provides all of its clients with access to a 24hr helpline. To learn more, visit
Counseling Offered to Sandy Survivors
Filed under: addiction helpline
In a continuing effort to provide emotional comfort to survivors of Hurricane Sandy, the Department of Human Services' Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services has provided $ 54,498 in funding to the University of Medicine and Dentistry to …
Read more on New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio
Texts helpline lands awards
Filed under: addiction helpline
The Bolton Alcohol Relapse Prevention project, known as SHINE, sends texts to remind clients who are overcoming alcohol addiction about appointments and asks them to reply to say whether they can attend. It also sends individually tailored messages to …
Read more on The Bolton News