What Is the Best Book for Overcoming Food Addiction?
Question by Brittany L: What is the best book for overcoming food addiction?
I think I might have a food addiction problem. Has anyone read any good books that explain food addiction and have a program that can help one recover?
Best answer:
Answer by Frank F
read about how to make good chum for fishing and you probably won’t eat for a week
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Eating Disorders? – Self-help online program – www.eatingsdisorders.com You don’t want to live like this! I know I’ve been in that horrible place of despair. Let me tell you how I found freedom. You can be free from the death grip of eating disorders. Self- help. Online, Safe. Real. Life time member.
Macon-area charities in need of help
Filed under: food addiction help
Loaves and Fishes is one of 250 participating agencies served by the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank, which is on pace to distribute 8.3 million pounds of food this year, said agency coordinator Doug Rohme. “What we … The Macon Rescue Mission …
Read more on Macon Telegraph (blog)
Program, support group helps people with food addictions
Filed under: food addiction help
According to its website, FA makes use of the AA principles to gain freedom from addictive eating. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins at meetings, and membership is open to anyone who wants help with food. Internationally, members include those who …
Read more on Frederick News Post (subscription)
From Twitter:
RT @Incompatibleee: RT @Incompatibleee: But you can I believe in you lmao “@PrettyWilly_: *cant «@Incompatibleee Willette can help her addiction to food.»” – by PrettyWilly_ (Willette Frazier)
From Twitter:
*cant «@Incompatibleee Willette can help her addiction to food.» – by PrettyWilly_ (Willette Frazier)
From Twitter:
Willette can help her addiction to food. – by Incompatibleee (incompatibleee)