Does the Government Assist/subsidize Programs, Medication, Housing for Bipolar Disorder? (In Chicago)?
Question by theidiotsdonttellyouwhy: Does the government assist/subsidize programs, medication, housing for bipolar disorder? (in Chicago)?
I am in Chicago, in my 20s, unable to work because of the bad economy though I have a degree. So I can’t afford my bipolar medication. This has led me to relapse. I also don’t have a place to live. Is there a program out there that has free/reduced medication, therapy, housing? Anyone? Any help is appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by bluerose
yes the fedral govt provides this, bp disorder is no joke, apply through socialsecurity as soon as possible, you can do it on line, go to the site that has the .gov is the important part, you can go to the ss office and get information on how to apply ,,, dont wait,,, you may get rejected for quite some time, but you will receive retro from the time you apply. in the mean time, go to a hospital, or clinic and see if they can help you get meds through a program from the drug companies. i think wallgreens may even be able to get you the forms for med help from drug companies. or go the the health dept.
when you apply you will recieve a packet that will require you to have ALL medical proof of your medical condition.drs names addresses and phone numbers. get that all ready in the mean time. also social security will provide you with an avocate, to help you through the process. best wishes
although i live in wisconsin, when i applied for help with my prescription meds i went to the county social services they helped me with the “pharmasutical med forms”, i was approved johnney on the spot. i had a form filled in by my doctor, go to wallgreens, or walmart harmacy, im pretty sure they have the forms. otherwise go on line and look for help with meds, free meds
where i live , when i first moved here the hospital had a program that you could bring in your script, most they would fill, welbutrin they said i could only get one refill, check at hospitals, call them and see if any do. the salvation army , or some relisous groups may have programs to assist you.
one more thing, to the right you will see some places for bipolar treatment, they may even be able to assist you. just try to muster the courage to follow through, i have bipolar depression, with out meds ,,, well, life would be … hard to bear to say the LEAST !! again , wishing you well.
Answer by guinnessman2007
You should check into income dependent apartments at your local human services center. Also you should contact the psych where you were or are receiving treatment as they may be able to give you some resources on how to get free medication. I go through a program at my hospital where I get my psych services. These programs are usually done directly through the drug companies themselves and there is a cap on how much income you made in the previous year to qualify.
What medication are you on? I know that wal mart has $ 4 prescriptions for lithium if that would work out for you.
So check out drug companies through the medication that you are on and see what programs they have.
If you decide to go through your county human services center they should be able to get you on a state funded health insurance if Illinois has such a program kind of like what Minnesota has aka mncare. They can also point you in the right direction for affordable housing.
You can email me at [email protected] if you want more detailed information.
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