Drug Rehab Places in Illlinois With No Insurance?

Question by okalie dokalie: drug rehab places in illlinois with no insurance?
Looking for a rehab place in illinois that you don’t have to have insurance for, my boyfriend really needs to go to rehab but they wont accept him because he has no insurance. So what are his options then, anyone no any free or low costly rehab centers in illinois…please help

Best answer:

Answer by lizardklutzz
with no insurance in teh U.S you are pretty much hopeless if you are apart of a church ask for help so he can get treatment and go to free clinic so they can offer help

good luck ?

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Sara Ylen Ordered To Trial For Faking Cancer

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Coincidentally, Lisek's father was being treated at Cancer Treatment Centers in Illinois at the same Ylen supposedly was seeing doctors there. She said Ylen agreed to let Lisek accompany her to an appointment but then changed her mind. "I don't know if …
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State lawmaker urges action on hepatitis

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Special Prosecutor Says No Jail For Judge's Druggie Kid

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Special Prosecutor Says No Jail For Judge's Druggie Kid. A June brush with the law right after he got out of prison is going to land the son of former Will County Chief Judge Rodney Lechwar in drug treatment, a special prosecutor said. Posted by Joseph …
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