Why Are Doctors Reluctant to Treat Pain?

Question by hicktowngal: why are doctors reluctant to treat pain?
why are doctors reluctant, at least in my small town, to treat pain. i’ve had a diagnose from a major university that recommend analgesics. nerve damage and degenerative bone disease. is it they are afraid of the demonized opiates and might lose their licenses. i thought doctors went to school to help not cower in fear of the FDA. if you live in eastern oregon and know of a pain specialist please tell.

Best answer:

Answer by Doctor J
Unfortunately, they do cower in fear of their licensing boards and their local district attorney.

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Kansas hypocrisy, same-sex marriage, Benghazi

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KEYC – Mankato News, Weather, Sports – – Huge tornado hits Oklahoma City

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Patrick Hruby

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