Afghan Drugs Cause Addiction Epidemic in Indian Province
Afghan drugs cause addiction epidemic in Indian province – BoozWheez – Updates the World == Please subscribe for regular updates ….. India’s Punjab state, which lies on a major drug trafficking route from Afghan…
Guest opinion: Montana Medicaid expanson nightmare looms
Filed under: causes of drug addiction
Insurance mandates require insurance companies to cover dozens of items such as maternity care, mental-health care, alcohol and drug addiction treatment, unisex laws, contraceptives, numerous treatments and screenings, autism, preventive care, and the …
Read more on Billings Gazette
Congressman wants shot glasses removed from stores
Filed under: causes of drug addiction
"Combined with alcohol, the misuse and abuse of prescription medications can be deadly, making the Urban Outfitter Rx pint and shot glasses and flasks even more disturbing." Conway said prescription drugs are now the leading cause of accidental death …
Read more on Lexington Herald Leader