Republicans, Should I Donate to My Local Homeless Shelter?

Question by Real American: Republicans, should I donate to my local homeless shelter?
The homeless shelter here in Kansas City is asking for coats. They even interviewed a young homeless man battling drug addiction, who said it was unbelievably cold on the streets and they could really use more coats and blankets.

Should I tell them to kiss my butt and get a job? After all, I worked for the money to buy my coats, why should I give them to those drug addicts. It’s THEIR fault they are out on the street, why should I help them?

Is that how to be a good Republican?
Oh I get it, it’s ok to be charitable as long as you can get the tax deduction for it. If you’re going to give something you better get a personal benefit in return. Gotcha.
Do we not have a moral obligation as a wealthy society to ensure that our poor are not starving on the streets? We have the resources to prevent the situations we see in the streets of developing countries. We are not forced at the point of a gun, we vote for the people who set up these social programs. We decided at one point as a nation that we should have a social safety net. Now people like to pretend it just happened out of nowhere by force. That is not true. Maybe you should visit a country that has no social safety net and check out the situation there – if you had to walk by that kind of thing every day you would be screaming to have the net back.
@level4 – As someone who has worked in an Early Intervention Center (basically a preschool for at-risk kids), I have interacted with numerous people who are on welfare. The incidences of people purely taking advantage of the system are very few. I worked with many families who truly needed the assistance, were ashamed to be taking it, and were actively working to improve their situation to get off of it. The right wing media likes to paint this picture of welfare queens sitting around living the high life off of our tax dollars, but that is not reality. The families I worked with on welfare were barely making enough to scrape by, and their kids were nutritionally deficient because cheap foods are generally processed foods devoid of nutritional value. I was extremely happy when WIC began including things like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Best answer:

Answer by NCR Elite
Um, republicans favor private donations over the governmentdeciding for us

Now go back to playing with your barbies

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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