Should Parents Be More Concerned About Weed or Prescription Drugs When It Comes to Their Children?
Question by Joe B: Should parents be more concerned about weed or prescription drugs when it comes to their children?
In today’s society from your personal opinion, which is more popular and which should the government be concerned about?
Clearly in the past it was weed, do you believe this should remain the focal point of the governments propaganda or should they shift to prescription drug abuse?
I know when I was a kid we had anti drug lessons in health but I don’t recall anything regarding prescription drugs.
Best answer:
Answer by rejectedsoul
both equally
both are illegal just the same
both are dangerous drugs
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Prescription drug abuse – Prescription drug abuse.
Prescription drug abuse a target for Massachusetts lawmakers
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Massachusetts lawmakers have introduced two bills in Congress during the past week aimed at curbing high rates of prescription drug abuse. Representative Edward Markey is sponsoring legislation, with others, that would require tighter control of drugs …
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