Kansas City Free Health Clinic Receive Tribute & Health Help by ACRX


Kansas City Free Health Clinic Receive Tribute & Health Help by ACRX – www.2coupons.net -As millions of Americans strive to deal with the economic downturn,loss of jobs,foreclosures,high cost of gas,and the rising cost of prescription drug cost. Charles Myrick ,the President of American Consultants Rx, announced the re-release of the American Consultants Rx community service project which consist of millions of free discount prescription cards being donated to thousands of not for profits,hospitals,schools,churches,etc. in an effort to assist the uninsured,under insured,and seniors deal with the high cost of prescription drugs. The American Consultants Rx discount prescription cards are to be given free to anyone in need of help curbing the high cost of prescription drugs. Due to the rising costs, unstable economics, and the mounting cost of prescriptions, American Consultants Rx Inc. (ACRX) aka (ACIRX) an Atlanta based company was born in 2004. The ACRX discount prescription card program was created and over 25 million discount prescription cards were donated to over 18k organizations across the country to be distributed to those in need of prescription assistance free of charge since 2004. The ACRX cards will offer discounts of name brand drugs of up to 40% off and up to 60% off of generic drugs. They also possess no eligibility requirements, no forms to fill out, or expiration date as well .One card will take care of a whole family. Also note that the ACRX cards will come to your organization already pre-activated .The cards are good at


Starwatch Consumer | A warning of bad Botox

Filed under: Kansas City Drug Use

Both those advantages are disappearing with iPhones outselling BlackBerrys and RIM's new devices set to use much more data, said Avi Silver, a Credit Agricole Securities analyst. More expensive wine. French wine prices are climbing, led by a jump in …
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Starwatch Consumer | Warning gets stronger for hepatitis C drug

Filed under: Kansas City Drug Use

The Food and Drug Administration is attaching a black box warning — its most serious — to the Vertex Pharmaceuticals hepatitis C treatment Incivek over a potentially fatal rash. The FDA says patients taking the pill in combination with two other …
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With Brad Keselowski's win, Roger

Filed under: Kansas City Drug Use

In the 10-race championship playoff, they won at Chicagoland and Dover, finished top five at Texas and top 10 at New Hampshire, Talladega, Kansas City, Martinsville and Phoenix. Their other Chase finishes were an 11th at Charlotte and a title-winning …
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