So-Called “Legalized” Marijuana Laws Intended to *Stop* Pot Use – I-502 WASHINGTON COLORADO VOTE
So-called “Legalized” marijuana laws intended to *stop* pot use – I-502 WASHINGTON COLORADO VOTE – “Legalization” initiatives in two states, Washington State, and Colorado, I502 and Ammendment 64 , are actually considered by polled voters and select local law enforcement to be efforts to stop drug abuse more effectively than what many voters felt are ineffective (current) measures. The initiatives do in effect make it easier [for police] to arrest the actual users. A few from the “pro-pot” crowd have caught on to this, (after initially thinking it was literally decriminalization), and have since been the main opponents of these “legalization” initiatives after realizing what the refined initiatives actually stated. Other opponents feared that those who read headlines feel this could potentially send mixed messages to kids, as well as conflict with federal laws, as it takes focus off of possession (hence the term “legalization”), but puts more focus on combating usage. Voters have apparently decided to try this new approach by voting on these new initiatives (I-502 and Ammendment 64) which give police more tools and angles to use to combat drug abuse, as well as to fund anti-drug education campaigns to “stop kids from ever using pot in the first place”. Of course this approach is one that conflicts with federal law, which will likely be its demise. However, some of the aspects of these initiatives are as follows: – I-502 creates laws that facilitate the incrimination of people who are “medicinal” users. This aspect is something “medicinal” proponents do not like …
Texas Blinks in Standoff; Sandy's Unequal Effect
Filed under: state funded drug rehab
Cheers. Texas will continue to take federal matching funds, keeping in place the Medicaid Women's Health Program that, unlike the state program, does not bar Planned Parenthood from participating, RH Reality Check reported Oct. 31. The new … Latifa …
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Author talks to crowd at John Hay High School about mass incarceration in …
Filed under: state funded drug rehab
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A best-selling author challenged the public to do more to help formerly incarcerated people and to focus on rehabilitation instead of locking up those who commit non-violent offenses. Author Michelle Alexander, a civil rights …
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